Books in the Middle: Reading for Middle School

Our focus is on books middle school students might like to read and topics pertaining to books for these students, and we are giving recommendations. Teachers, librarians and middle school students are the contributors to this blog. If you would like to listen to booktalks of some of these books, please check out this site and enjoy!

Into the Woods They Went April 1, 2024

Five teens went into the woods for an overnight camping experience. But it turns out, one of them has andownload-7 agenda that hasn’t been shared. The night ends in terror for all of them, and a possible death for one of them. As the four who make it out of the woods begin to tell their story to law enforcement, some of what they say matches, and some of it takes a turn. Petra wants her best friend Maylee to be found. Nolan – Petra’s stepbrother – didn’t even want to go on the trip until he found out he might be able to actually locate a Bigfoot. John was thinking he would just get to spend some time with his girlfriend, Maylee. And Abigail showing up was a surprise to everyone, except for Maylee and Abigail.

What did happen that night in the woods? How can four people recalling that day and night all have such a different reason for going and why did Maylee even suggest the trip in the first place?

Tell Me What really Happened by Chelsea Sedoti is a suspenseful and interesting look at how our motivations can take a dark turn when people are under enough pressure, whether self imposed or from the outside.

Recommended for grades 8 and up due to some mature content.


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